Commuting in the Rural Environment: The Field-City Interrelations in Small Municipalities of The Zona Da Mata Mineira, Minas Gerais, Brazil


  • Ana Louise de Carvalho Fiúza Department of Rural Economics, Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil
  • Guélmer Júnior Almeida de Faria Post-Doctoral Student PNPD/ CAPES, Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil
  • Angelita Alves de Carvalho Researcher in Geographic Information and Statistics at the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE/ IBGE), Brazil
  • Natália Barbosa Rodrigues Graduating in Agronomy from the Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil


The objective of this study was to analyze the demographic dynamics regarding the rural–urban and male’female population in the municipalities of the “predominantly rural’, ‘intermediate’ and ‘urban’ regions of the Zona da Mata Mineira (ZMM), in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The ZMM is a coffee-producing region with 142 municipalities, 90% of them with less than 20,000 inhabitants, and it is marked by the predominance of small rural properties with less than 50ha. Despite being an impoverished and poorly industrialized region, the municipalities of this microregion have maintained and even increased their urban population when compared to municipalities with a higher Human Development Index (HDI), located in southern Brazil. In this region of the ZMM, the dual residency of mainly small rural producers has grown above the average in Brazil and the state of Minas Gerais. To analyze the demographic peculiarities and agrarian structure of the municipalities of the ZMM, the population data provided by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica (IBGE) between the 1970s and 2020 was used, in additon to the classification criteria of the regions of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). The results of our study showed the largest growth in one microregion with a ‘predominantly rural’ when compared to “predominantly urban” profile. These data revealed the peculiar characteristics of the demographic dynamics of the ZMM in relation to other Brazilian mesoregions, which would justify new studies. However, the Brazilian and global trends of masculinization and aging of the rural population was also observed in the ZMM.

Keywords: regional economy, agrarian structure, regional development, agricultural production, Zona da Mata Mineira


Navettage dans l’environnement rural: Les interrelations terrain-ville dans les petites municipalités de la Zona Da Mata Mineira, au Minas Gerais, au Brésil

L’objectif de cette étude était d’analyser les dynamiques démographiques concernant la population rurale-urbaine et masculine féminine dans les municipalités des régions «principalement rurales», «intermédiaires» et «urbaines» de la Zona da Mata Mineira (ZMM), dans l’état de Minas Gerais, au Brésil. La ZMM est une région productrice de café avec 142 municipalités, dont 90% de moins de 20 000 habitants et elle est marquée par la prédominance de petites propriétés rurales de moins de 50 ha. Bien qu’il s’agisse d’une région pauvre et peu industrialisée, les municipalités de cette microrégion ont maintenu et même augmenté leur population urbaine par rapport aux municipalités ayant un indice de développement humain (IDH) plus élevé, situées dans le sud du Brésil. Dans cette région de la ZMM, la double résidence de la plupart des petits producteurs ruraux de petite taille a dépassé la moyenne au Brésil et dans l’état du Minas Gerais. Pour analyser les particularités démographiques et la structure agraire des municipalités de la ZMM, les données démographiques fournies par l’Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica (IBGE) entre les années 1970 et 2020 ont été utilisées, en plus des critères de classification des régions de l’Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE). Les résultats de notre étude ont montré la plus forte croissance dans une microrégion avec un profil «principalement rural» par rapport au profil «principalement urbain». Ces données ont révélé les caractéristiques particulières de la dynamique démographique de la ZMM par rapport à d’autres méso régions brésiliennes, ce qui justifierait de nouvelles études. Cependant, les tendances brésiliennes et mondiales de la masculinisation et du vieillissement de la population rurale ont également été observées dans la ZMM.

Mots-clés: économie régionale, structure agraire, développement régional, production agricole, Zona da Mata Mineira

Author Biographies

Ana Louise de Carvalho Fiúza, Department of Rural Economics, Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil

Full Professor at the Department of Rural Economics at the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV). Sociologist graduated from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (1992). Specialization in Religious Sciences, also, at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, in 1993; Master in Rural Extension at the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), in 1997; PhD in Social Sciences in Development, Agriculture and Society at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, in 2001; Post-Doctorate at the Center for Research in Social Sciences at the University of Minho, in Portugal, in the research line "Population, Family and Health", in 2013. Professor of the Post-Graduate Program in Home Economics at UFV. Coordinator of GERAR - Rural Studies Group: Agriculture and Rurality, in which I survey research on: 1) Gender, Science and Technology; 2) contemporary rurban families; 3) Gender and generation relations in the families of rural producers; 4) Changes in ways of life in the countryside; 5) Daily mobility between the countryside and the city; 6) Uses of Information and Communication Technologies in rural producer families.

Guélmer Júnior Almeida de Faria, Post-Doctoral Student PNPD/ CAPES, Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil

Scholarship holder of the National Postdoctoral Program (PNPD / CAPES) of the Postgraduate Program in Home Economics (PPGED) at the Federal University of Viçosa. Doctor by the Post-Graduate Program in Social Development at the State University of Montes Claros (2019), having completed a Sandwich PhD Internship at the University of Coimbra (Portugal), at the Center for Social Studies (CES) under the guidance of Prof. Dr Sílvia Portugal , Master in Social Development (Concentration Area: Social Inequalities and Public Policies) from the State University of Montes Claros (2014), Bachelor in Home Economics from the Federal University of Viçosa (2008) and Degree in Sociology from the Faculty of Education Paulistana (2019) . He is an evaluator of an Extension project registered in the Unified Public Administration System - SUAP / IFNMG (2018). Member of the editorial board of the Periodicals: Revista Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes (Argentina), Revista Espaço Acadêmico (UEM) and Revista Desenvolvimento em Questão (UNIJUÍ), collaborating as an ad hoc expert: Revista Elo - Dialogues in Extension (UFV), Revista Ibero-American Studies in Education (UNESP), Holos Magazine (UFRN), REMHU - Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Mobility, Cadecs: Electronic Notebook of Social Sciences (UFES), Society in Debate Magazine (UCPel), OIKOS Magazine: Family and Society (UFV), Revista Estudos de Sociologia (UNESP), Revista Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção (BJPE / UFES), REDD Magazine? Magazine: Space for Dialogue and Disconnection (UNESP). Member of the OPARÁ-MUTUM Research Group: Study and Research Group on Migration and Traditional Communities of the São Francisco River (UNIMONTES) and of the GERAR Group: Rural Study Group - Farms and Ruralities (UFV). Worked as a Collaborating Specialist in University Extension Projects, Invited Professor at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences at UFMG (ICA / UFMG) in the Rural Extension discipline and Professor of the Specialization Courses at the Viçosa Teaching and Learning Unit (UNESAV) / Faculty of Education da Serra (FASE): Instrumentality of Social Work, People Management and Criminology, Human Rights and Public Security, teaching the disciplines of: Research Methodology, Monograph Elaboration Technique and Empirical Studies of Violence and Crime. He served as a Teacher Trainer CEAD / IFNMG in the discipline of Thematic Seminar at LFE I - Public Environmental Management. He has experience in the area of ​​Social Development, working mainly on the following themes: research methodology, domestic work, gender, sociology of migration, social networks, analysis of social networks, rural extension, ruralities, university extension.

Angelita Alves de Carvalho, Researcher in Geographic Information and Statistics at the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE/ IBGE), Brazil

She is a Researcher in Geographic Information and Statistics at the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE / IBGE), working directly in the Master's and Doctorate program in Population, Territory and Public Statistics. He is also a member of the permanent professors of the Master and Doctorate program in Home Economics at the Federal University of Viçosa. He has a doctorate in Demography from CEDEPLAR / UFMG, a master's degree in Population Studies and Social Research from the National School of Statistical Sciences / IBGE and a degree in Home Economics from the Federal University of Viçosa. Its themes of activity involve fertility below the replacement level, reproductive preferences, gender relations and sexual and reproductive health. He is also interested in issues transversal to demography, such as families, religion and race / color, as well as qualitative research. He is a PQ2 scholarship holder for CNPq productivity.

Natália Barbosa Rodrigues, Graduating in Agronomy from the Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil

Graduating in Agronomy from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV). Building Technician by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Minas Gerais (IFMG). He has a CNPq Scientific Initiation scholarship, working on research projects on public policies for rural areas and the effects of countryside-city commuting on the management practices of farmers' families. Member of the GERAR Group: Rural Studies Group - Farms and Ruralities (UFV). It operates in the area of ​​rural extension in agroecology and organic certification through a participatory guarantee system by REMA-ZM (Network of Mutirões in Agroecology in the Zona da Mata Mineira).


