Selection of development agenda with the community by the generation of a shared understanding



This article attempts to address the problem of generating a common understanding of the multidimensional aspects of a community across its diverse social groups required for setting a development agenda, by carrying out a Participatory Action Research exercise in the tribal village Gawandwadi—population 293. The proposed process ensures involvement and empowerment of the local people and reduces the influence of the existing social stratification in the community—mainly gender based stratification is discussed in the article. It emphasizes four key components: (a) understanding the contextual community level decision making process, (b) participatory study of the multifarious quantitative aspects of a community, (c) identification of the differential qualitative aspects—such as needs, desires, and feelings—borne by multiple groups—based on gender, class, and caste—across the community, and (d) arriving at a shared appreciation of rationales for these differences. The process reduces possible conflicts incurred due to the lack of ownership of the development goal within the community. Keywords: gender and decision making; development agenda; community based participatory research; empowerment; needs assessment; India Résumé Cet article vise à cerner l'importance de mieux comprendre les aspects multidimensionnels d'une communauté à travers ses différents groupes sociaux requis pour mettre en place un programme de développement, en réalisant un exercice de type Plan d'Action Participatif dans le village tribal de Gawandwadi—population 293 habitants. Le processus proposé s'assure de l'implication et de l'autonomisation des personnes locales et réduit l'influence des stratifications sociales existantes dans la communauté—les stratifications basées sur le genre font principalement l'objet de l'article. Il met l'accent sur quatre éléments: (a) comprendre le niveau de processus de prise de décisions contextuel de la communauté, (b) une étude participative des divers aspects quantitatifs de la communauté, (c) l'identification des aspects différentiels qualitatifs—tels que les besoins, les désirs et les sentiments—supportés par de multiples groupes—en fonction du genre, de la classe sociale et de la caste—à travers la communauté, et (d) arriver à une appréciation partagée de justifications de ces différences. Le processus réduit les conflits possibles qui résultent du manque d'appropriation d' objectifs de développement au sein de la communauté.

Author Biographies

Vijay Honkalaskar

PhD from Center for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas. Presently running a not for profit rural organization.

Milind Sohoni, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Head, Center for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas and Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay.

Upendra Bhandarkar, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Associate Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Associate Faculty in the Center for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas





